Why it’s not too expensive to track warehouse and yard inventory properly
At Epicor, we’re serious about helping building supply businesses optimize workflow and inventory control in their operations by implementing a Warehouse Management System (WMS). That’s why we build extensive inventory control and tracking functionality right into the core of our building supply software systems.
No matter how large or varied your inventory, whether your distribution business is regional or national, we have the technology and expertise to optimize your current warehouse and yard operations.

Benefit #1—True Inventory Accuracy: Calculating inventory accuracy using total dollar value allows the inventory surpluses to cancel out the shortages. This results in a lower net discrepancy that doesn’t reflect the “true” level of inventory accuracy.
Benefit #2—Barcode-Automated Data Entry: Inventory tracking on all Epicor building supply solutions is done through barcodes and handheld barcode scanners. Traditional manual data entry is replaced by barcode scanning in areas like:
- Receiving
- Picking
- Shipping
- Stock Counting
Benefit #3—Productivity Improvements: Our customers typically see an impressive 20% improvement in productivity for warehouse/yard personnel, as well as their managers. Productivity improvements come from three main areas:
- Improved Inventory Accuracy
- System directed activities and tasks
- Accountability
Benefit #4—Improved Shipping Accuracy: Another tangible benefit of a proper warehouse management system is the reduction of incorrect shipments, which cost both you and your customers a great deal of time, effort, and money. Estimates of the cost of errors range from $70–$500 per shipment error once you add in the effort for someone to return and reship the order.
In addition to the monetary value, you will be saving with a proper warehouse management system, you will increase trust with your customers. Knowing that their order will be correct and on time is a huge factor in developing repeat customers, which allows your business to continue to grow.

Benefit #5—Easier Cycle Counting: Cycle counting can replace traditional physical inventory counting methods when you’re operating on an Epicor inventory and warehouse management solution. Here’s why and how you benefit:
- It’s simple and in real-time
- No freezing necessary
- Errors are found and fixed quickly
Benefit #6—Reduced Labor and Training Costs: In today’s world of labor shortages and high turnover, it’s important to be able to train and monitor performance efficiently. All Epicor building supply systems ensure employees are productive faster. The warehouse management systems:
- Integrate workflow from procurement to customer shipment
- Prioritize tasks to optimize order fulfillment
- Provide step-by-step prompts, alerts, and task lists
Benefit #7—Empowered and Proactive Management Team: Lastly, a well-implemented WMS even helps your managers be the best they can be. The workflow, query tools, and dashboards built right into each system help your managers:
- Establish and maintain process discipline
- Track performance in real time
- Handle exceptions efficiently
- Head off problems before they cost you time and money
- Spot trends and opportunities to become more efficient and profitable
Your warehouse, yard, and operations managers will have what they need to be effective and run a tight ship.