John D. Wagner
John Wagner is a managing director at 1st West Mergers and Acquisitions, which offers a specialty practice in the LBM sector.
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Watch the spread between GPMs and OPEX %
OPEX % is a key performance indicator, and every buyer analyzes it closely.
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How to handle off-book inventory when selling your business
One of the last things the buyer does is perform a hard-count of the seller’s inventory so that the buyer has an opening balance sheet for their new operation.
Mergers & Acquisitions
What is a waterfall scenario?
Let's say you successfully found a buyer for your company, and you are wrapping up the due diligence process as the final stage before your deal proceeds.
Mergers & Acquisitions
‘10 and 10’ companies hold value in any market
Selling your business in an inflationary period doesn’t necessarily mean selling it at a discount.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Selling into an inflationary market
As always happens, we will cycle out of a down market and use the lessons learned to grow even more valuable companies in the future.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Parsing out deal elements as a percent of TEV
Buyers of LBM businesses are overwhelmingly private equity groups, and they think of deal elements (like senior debt, subordinate debt, seller’s notes, earn-outs, and escrows) as a percent of the total they pay for your company.
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Mergers & Acquisitions
Congrats are in order! Your GPMs held steady!
A curious question has come up among some buyers we deal with who are acquiring LBM businesses.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Anatomy of a deal
There can be as many as four deal elements that make up an offer to acquire your company.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Five types of EBITDA
EBITDA is a term with a time-worn, clinical definition. It stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Three types of acquirers
There are three general classes of buyers that might acquire your company: 1) A Strategic Buyer (strategic), 2) a pure Private Equity Group (PEG), 3) a Merchant’s Bank.
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