Thea Dudley
With more than 30 years of credit management experience in the LBM industry, Thea Dudley consults with companies on a wide range of credit and financial management issues. Thea is a frequent speaker for industry organizations such as Insulation Contractors Association of America, Western States Roofing Contractors Association Expo, National Insulation Contractors Exchange, International Builders Show, International Roofing Expo, JLC live! Remodelers/JLC/Deckmasters, Guardian Building Products Trade Shows, National Assoc. Of Credit Managers and National Women in Roofing
Latest Articles
What to do about personal guarantees on credit applications
What can you do when a potential customer refuses to sign the personal guarantee on your credit application?
Liability when extending credit
As a supplier, is there any liability in extending credit to a contractor whose workers compensation insurance isn’t current/active?
A case of old-fashioned identity theft
Dear Thea,
We are a small supply house—just two locations. We have been the victim of identity theft. Our checks are being intercepted prior to reaching us. Our customers who have been affected by this are upset with us.
How to get sales reps to collect
Dear Thea,
Our sales reps get paid commission on the sales they make so you think that it would motivate them to help make sure we get paid. It doesn’t. How can I get them engaged and help get our money collected?
Customer management belongs to sales and credit departments
Dear Thea,
I have been a credit manager for a very long time. Over the years I have heard the sales reps I work with refer to the customer as “theirs” until it all goes downhill...
Sales reps: Learn to love ’em
Dear Thea, I recently attended a conference where you spoke, and you mentioned how much you have learned from sales reps. I respectfully have to disagree with you. In my opinion, sales reps are all the same.
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Credit Q&A: Are my methodologies out of date?
Dear Thea,
I have been with my company for over 33 years. I started with them when I was just out of school and have...
Get to know LBM Journal’s “Credit Overlord”
We’re excited to introduce Thea Dudley as the newest member of LBM Journal’s editorial team. With more than 30 years of relevant experience, Thea...
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