Building material price growth tracking closely to 2023

Reporting from the National Association of Home Builders shows inputs to residential construction, goods less foods and energy, decreased 0.04% in July according to the most recent Producer Price Index (PPI) report published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The index for inputs to residential construction, goods less food and energy, represents building materials used in residential construction. Compared to a year ago, the index is up 2.01% in July, marking the sixth straight month of above 2% growth.

Just past the midpoint of 2024, the year-to-date (YTD) increase in the index is at 0.47%. This is slightly higher yet similar to the YTD growth rate for 2023, which was 0.44%.

The seasonally adjusted PPI for final demand goods increased 0.62% in July, after decreasing a revised 0.36% in June. In July, the PPI for final demand energy increased 1.90%, final demand food also rose 0.61% and final demand goods, less food and energy, rose 0.24%. The BLS producer price indices measure the average change in selling prices that domestic producers receive for their output.

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The seasonally adjusted PPI for softwood lumber fell 1.04% in July after rising 3.29% in June. Softwood lumber prices were 13.12% lower in July 2023.

The non-seasonally adjusted PPI for gypsum building materials increased 0.08% in July after no increase in June. Compared to last year, the index was up 4.25%, the highest yearly increase since April 2023 when the index was up 12.14%.

The seasonally adjusted PPI for ready-mix concrete rose 0.03% in July after falling 0.15% in June. Monthly growth in prices for ready-mix concrete has been relatively flat for four consecutive months after prices peaked in March. Over the year, ready-mix concrete prices were 5.05% higher in July 2023.

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The non-seasonally adjusted PPI for steel mill products fell for the second straight month, down 3.29% in July. Steel mill product prices are 13.99% lower than last year. Overall, steel mill product prices have fallen 36.99% since peaking back in December of 2021.

The non-seasonally adjusted special commodity grouping PPI for copper rose 0.56% in July after falling 2.79% in June. Over the year, the index was up 14.26%. This special commodity grouping of copper includes the following commodities: copper and nickel ores, copper cathode and refined copper, copper base scrap, secondary copper (alloyed and unalloyed), copper and brass mill shapes, copper wire and cable, and copper base castings (excluding die-castings).

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