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Don’t overlook the obvious
How often do we look at our business from the data that we know and make a judgment, when it is the data that we don’t know that may change our minds?
Plotting a course in treacherous waters
It has been said that a rising tide raises all ships, regardless of their condition or the skill of the crew. The same can be said in business.
Getting ahead of a crisis
While we don’t know everything we will do in the future, we likely have a good idea of past actions that we'd rather not repeat.
Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered
If we are doing nothing extra for the customer, if we are providing no additional value to the transaction or relationship, and if we charge more because the customer is not paying attention, we may be acting like hogs.
The power of personality inventories
As a long-time student on leadership, I find it fascinating that there is no definitive place where a person can learn how to be a good leader.
Making the ordinary extraordinary
How do you make a customer want to buy from a company that just delivers them building materials?
Speaking their language
One of the most important aspects of selling something is to speak the language of your customers.
The problem with not speaking up is that nobody hears you
How often have you seen somebody do something you disagreed with or found offensive, but then you let it go because you did not want to make a fuss?
Empower your people
Often, we create rules for our employees to follow, but don’t empower them to do what is right, when clearly the rule was not intended for a certain circumstance.
The dumbest person in the room
Our society encourages people to become leaders. It glamorizes how cool it is to be the person in charge, implying that with that responsibility one will instinctively know what needs to be done.
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