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Brand Talk: Specifying Fire Retardant Treated Wood
By Lonza Wood Protection
Lonza Wood Protection is a global leader of innovative technologies that improve the performance of wood, by making it resistant to...
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Brand Talk: 8 Steps To Forklift Safety
Safety Tips by PLM
Forklifts are as much a part of lumber yards, distributors, wholesalers and manufacturers as trees are to forests. They cruise around...
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Brand Talk: 4 Ways To Keep Your Facility Safe
Safety Tips by PLM
The lumber industry has been a fixture in the United States since colonial times—as have many of the risk exposures that...
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The Importance of Understanding Treated Lumber
Some things just stand the test of time. In a world of ever-changing composites and polymers, one material remains dominant. Pressure-treated lumber. Understanding and...
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84 Lumber Celebrates 60th Anniversary with New Stores, New Initiatives, National Recognition
From humble roots to the nation’s largest independent building materials company, 84 Lumber continues to do things their own way
84 Lumber announced that it is...
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BRAND TALK: Maximize Siding Sales
Keith McDaniel is inventory manager for Timberland Lumber Company, which has a truss plant in Brazil, Ind., and distribution and a wall-panel plant in...
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BRAND TALK: On Door Glass and the Market’s Demand for Simple, Clean Lines
Brand Talk By ODL
With operations in over 40 metropolitan areas, BMC Stock Holdings (BMC) is one of the largest providers of building products and...
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BRAND TALK: Are You Prepared for the Next Downturn?
Take These 8 Steps
Scott Simpson is President and CEO of BlueTarp Financial. BlueTarp is a B2B credit management company that pays suppliers upfront on...
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BRAND TALK: A Fresh Response to the Market’s Demand for Privacy
Builder’s Hardware, Inc. is a wholesale door component, door fabricator and hardware supplier with family ties. e company was founded over 60 years ago by...
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5 Tips For Training
There’s nothing more valuable to you than an associate who can confidently upsell a customer. Those associates usually don’t just walk in your doors...
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