Process & Profit
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Process & Profit
Lean communication: Unboxing your inbox
For most of my career, email has been my nemesis. “Inbox Zero” was the constant goal, and I only achieved it once a quarter when I finally archived all my unread emails.
Process & Profit
The small stuff: What exactly do you deliver?
Getting my car's oil changed recently opened my eyes to how technology can shape customer experience through continuous, proactive communication.
Process & Profit
The small stuff: Inventory shrink
Inventory shrink is one of the easiest areas to register an immediately positive ROI and create quick process improvements.
Process & Profit
‘The small stuff’ is material to the bottom line
Materials handlers in our yards are crucial, not only for our customers experience, but also for a couple percentage points of our cost. Let’s dig into some things that could seem small, but over time, could be very valuable.
Process & Profit
A packaged opportunity
Younger, less experienced builders with expertise in new home trends and marketing are on the rise.
Process & Profit
Embrace your unorganized customers
Everything hinges on keeping the job on schedule, so what choices do we have as we manage customer expectations?
Process & Profit
The profit breakdown: margin
The more I’ve been around salespeople in different markets, I’ve concluded that they very often create their own pricing structures in their minds based on where they think pricing needs to be to win the jobs.
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