Sales & Operations
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Sales & Operations
Servant selling as a marketing tool
Here are a few of the pointers I recommend managers cover with new salespeople.
Sales & Operations
Embracing the servant sales concept
Knowledge is Power! What do you know that you could share with your prospects and in so doing earn a piece of their business?
Sales & Operations
The philosophy of servant selling
Servant selling is all about doing things for your customers and prospects that they perceive to be of value.
Sales & Operations
If quoting isn’t selling, what is?
On your first several sales calls, the objective is to earn trust and respect.
Sales & Operations
Quoting is a poor way to initiate a sales call
Pricing is one of the most complicated aspects of doing business in all parts of the world.
Sales & Operations
To a large extent, you are who you hang out with
Spend as much time as possible with people who are more successful than you are.
Sales & Operations
Nine out of 10 salespeople wing their way through sales calls, part two
To improve the quality of the questions you ask on a prospect call, it helps to do your homework.
Sales & Operations
Nine out of 10 salespeople wing their way through sales calls
I have always maintained that a salesperson’s number one goal on a prospect call is to get permission to come back.
Sales & Operations
Employee care is the best cure for a labor shortage
The number one reason key people leave one company for the next is because they believe management doesn’t appreciate them.
Sales & Operations
The search for future leaders should begin now
The single most difficult task for an owner or manager is to drop what he or she is doing and conduct an executive search.
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