Tough Call
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Tough Call
Tough Call: The Next Big Thing?
A manufacturer you’ve worked with for years is getting ready to launch a new product that you believe could be a game-changer. You could get in on the ground floor, but there’s a catch.
Tough Call
Tough Call: Qualified but unpredictable
You have the chance to hire an old colleague who is well-qualified for the job but was prone to outbursts. What do you do?
Tough Call
Tough Call: The Case of the Toxic Customer
One of your customers is poisoning the well for others. What would you do?
Tough Call
Tough Call: Weighing the credit risk
A small builder can grow his business (and his purchases from you) exponentially—if you’re willing to risk expanding his credit limit into dangerous territory. What would you do?
Tough Call
Tough Call: The special order dilemma
Builders aren’t required to prepay for special orders, but now you’ve been burned twice—because their homeowner clients had a change of heart. What would you do?
Tough Call
Tough Call: Employee benefits and the sales rockstar
You found yourself in a jam when your top salesperson and his family moved out of state for a new opportunity. There was no shortage of candidates interested in the job, but after going through interview after interview, it was clear you were going to have to pay more to get the right person.
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Tough Call
Tough Call: The Case of the Disruptive Builder
A builder is convinced he can nearly double his completed homes and his purchases - if you're willing to work with him and his aggressive schedule.
Tough Call
Tough Call: Training not included
Though the LBM industry is hungry for young talent, a company's lack of formal training and a "sink or swim" attitude as a new employee questioning his decision to to to work for the local lumberyard.
Tough Call
Tough Call: Rebuilding trust
Your predecessor excelled at driving away business. You've been tasked with regaining it, but customers' memories run deep. What would you do?
Having worked in...
Tough Call
It’s time to sell. Now what?
Looking back at a long career in the lumber business, you've decided it's time to put the company up for sale. But what options...
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