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Webinar Replay: Credit for the Win: Setting Goals for the Year Ahead
As the leader of a credit team a large part of your role and responsibility is to coach, mentor, promote, cheerlead, and be a shameless self-promotor of your department and team. It's hard to do any of those if you don't know your department's goals.
Webinar Replay: The Small Stuff: Delivery Service
What grade would you give your delivery service? More importantly, how would your internal and external customers grade it? Join Shane Soule as he outlines new and innovative ways to leverage technology to improve and automate your delivery process that not only improves efficiency, but separates you from your competition from your customers perspective.
Webinar Replay: Credit Cage Match: Tough Questions, Solid Answers
In this can't-miss webinar, LBM Journal's own Credit Overlord, Thea Dudley, referees a panel of credit "frenemies" to cover all your questions on sales, legal, liens, bankruptcy, IT, and more. No topic is off limits!
Webinar Replay: The Small Stuff: Inventory Shrink
Do you budget a percentage of inventory shrink and call it acceptable? What if you could cut that "acceptable" number in half? Join Shane Soule to improve your processes and convert loss to gain.
Webinar Replay: Credit Reporting: Fact vs. Fiction
Recessions, pandemics and general elections – if the past and present economic environments have not convinced you to view commercial credit reports as a vital part of your credit program, nothing will. Checking out who you are doing business with and keeping tabs on them credit wise is critical. Saying it is easy, doing it requires a few steps and solid information.
Webinar Replay: Secrets to Success with Recruiting & Retention
If you want to position your business to thrive in 2021 and beyond, it's critical that you roll up your sleeves and get to work on the people part of your business.
Webinar Replay: The Small Stuff: It’s ‘Material’ to the Bottom Line
Material handlers in our yards are crucial, not only for our customers experience, but also for a couple percentage points of our cost. In this 30-40 minute webinar, Shane Soule will analyze material handler activities and suggest some changes that could seem small, but over time, add significantly to your bottom line.
Webinar Replay: Discover Millions in Latent Company Value Leading Into an Acquisition
In this webinar, renowned profitability optimizer Ryan Brown, and investment banker, John D. Wagner will discuss the ideal “sequence and hand-off” for engaging these two experts in the preparation for, and sale of, your LBM business. Their combined expertise has already discovered millions in latent value for others. Learn how to maximize your company value.
Webinar Replay: What Contractors Wish You Knew About Their Business
You know how frustrating it is when one of your vendors doesn’t have a solid grasp of your business? Then you know how your contractor customers feel when it comes to their business in general, and their cash flow specifically.
Webinar Replay: Proven Public Relations Tools for LBM Dealers
Press releases spotlighting your company. Project profiles on your customers. Social media messaging that turns heads.
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