Insights from Executive VP Mike Beaudry and the leadership of the North American Deck & Railing Association (NADRA).
Q: Decking has been a solid growth area for LBM dealers in many markets. What advice would you have for dealers who want to grow their sales of decking and decking products?
A: There are a few components here. First and foremost, focus – Focus – FOCUS. Make sure there’s no question about your store’s commitment to decking.
Second, stand for something. Decide what you stand for and stock products that support your position. If you do not stock you are not in the game. Third, be your customer’s agent.
Consumers make their ultimate product choice based on many criteria, but they never buy something they don’t like the looks of. So choose different aesthetics. If you are going to carry two different product lines, carry two lines that look significantly different from the color perspective. Also, cover different pricing continuums.
Fourth, don’t ignore railing and lighting. Both are growing and profitable categories. Dealers who focus on these categories have reported an increase in sales of up to 75%, and a gross margin increase of 100% per deck.
Finally, make sure your store offers go-to resources for Deck Safety & Education. Talking about Deck Safety Month® (during May) will get people thinking about improving, or even replacing, their deck. Get involved with NADRA, and use the resources we provide to educate your audience, fans, and customers and get them thinking about safer, bigger, better outdoor living spaces.