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Humboldt Redwood: High-quality lumber products now and into the future

Since its founding over 10 years ago, Humboldt Redwood has become the leading supplier of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC C013133) certified Redwood and Douglas-fir lumber and timbers. Logs are sourced from company-owned timberlands in Northern California, 440,000 acres in total, and manufactured into solid sawn lumber, timbers, and uppers at sawmills in Scotia and Ukiah, California. Finished goods are available direct from the mills, as well as through additional company-owned distribution locations in Northern and Southern California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Customer orders ship via truck and rail.

Coast Redwood trees grow along a narrow strip of coastline from southern Oregon to the Big Sur area of Monterey County, California. Long considered an important resource, timberlands in the Redwood region, including Douglas-fir stands, are managed under some of the strictest guidelines in the world. Humboldt Redwood takes it a step further and certifies all its timberlands, manufacturing, and distribution operations to FSC standards. More trees are grown each year than are harvested, ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality Humboldt Redwood lumber products now and into the future.

Humboldt Redwood

Redwood timbers

FSC certified Humboldt Redwood timbers are available in nominal 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inch dimensions in lengths from 8–20 feet, rough and surfaced four sides (S4S) available in Construction Heart grade.

Increasingly popular as an alternative over cedar timbers, Humboldt Redwood timbers are well-suited for applications including arbors, barns, gazebos, pergolas, and shade structures. Humboldt Redwood timbers have been used commercially in hospitality venues including Jeriko Estate Resort & Winery and ZO Wines Estate. Extensive use of Humboldt Redwood timbers can be found at Sonoma Raceway in Sonoma, California, which hosts annual NASCAR and NHRA races.

Redwood decking

FSC certified Humboldt Redwood decking is available in nominal 2×4, 2×6, and 2×8 dimensions in lengths from 6–20 feet, S4S. Available grades include Superior Heart, Superior Common, Selected Heart/Construction Heart, Clear, B Grade, Heart B, and Heart Clear.

Homeowners and specifiers choose Humboldt Redwood over plastic and composite decking alternatives for its enduring beauty, natural strength, superior versatility, and overall performance as a sustainable building material. The tannins in heartwood grades lend natural resistance to decay and termites. In addition, extensive flame spread testing confirms Redwood’s superior performance under fire exposure. Humboldt Redwood decking may be used without restriction throughout California’s Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas.

Douglas-fir timbers

FSC certified Green Douglas-fir timbers from Humboldt Redwood are available rough and S4S.

Rough Green Douglas-fir timbers are available in 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inch dimension, #1&Better FOHC Full Sawn, in lengths from 8–20 feet. S4S Green Douglas-fir timbers are available in nominal 3-inch, 4-inch, and 6-inch dimension, in a variety of grades and lengths.

Humboldt Redwood

Experienced sales professionals

The mill sales team, Mike Cameron, Julie Wright, and Mary Bower offer a combined 120 years of experience in the lumber industry. Mike started work in the industry in the early 1980’s in Ukiah, California in production. By 1985 he was selling Redwood products throughout the U.S. Today, Mike is the mills sales lead for Redwood. Julie started her career in 1978 in a clerical position and within nine months began selling Redwood lumber, timbers, and uppers. In 1986 her first sales territory included the Rocky Mountain region; she eventually sold wood throughout the U.S. Today, Julie is the mills sales lead for Douglas-fir and Hem fir. Mary began her career in 1978 with a summer job at a plywood mill. In the mid-1980’s she began working for a wholesaler and over the years worked in both California and Colorado in many facets of the business. She has been in sales full-time since 2005 and currently supports both Redwood and Douglas-fir sales.

Sales contact

For product information and ordering, please call Mike Cameron at (707) 764-4341 or Julie Wright at (707) 764-4450. Product line cards are available to download or print by visiting General information about the company may be found at or by connecting on social media:

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