Tie In: “Dealers should recommend to customers installing a new door or new windows that they upgrade the trim at the same time,” suggests Fypon’s Nesper. “This can enhance the exterior and add value to the home. It increases the sale for the contractor and creates a more satisfied homeowner.”
Stock Products: “Dealers should feel more assured that the most popular mouldings are now standard items that don’t have to be special ordered, and they should keep an eye on which are doing the best on being requested,” says KOMA’s Sinks.
Showing customers the potential in adding moulding options to a home will provide more sales and more satisfaction. “Our biggest struggle is to determine what builders want and get them to try new things,” says ECM’s Delbridge. “Many of them are using what their dads and granddads used, and they don’t want to change. It’s up to architects and designers to help them see the variety that’s available and try new ideas.”
Internet InformationTo learn more about these insulation and housewrap companies’ products, visit these websites: Arauco: www.arauco.cl
AZEK Building Products: www.AZEK.com Bayer Built Woodworks: www.bayerbuilt.com Boral: www.boraltruexterior.com CertainTeed Corp: www.certainteed.com Claymark: www.claymark.com CMI: www.miratectrim.com EastCoast Mouldings: www.eastcoastmouldings.com Ferche Millwork: www.ferche.com Fletcher Wood Solutions: www.fwsdirect.com Fypon: www.fypon.com Gossen: www.gossencorp.com Kleer Trimboard (The Tapco Group): www.tapcogroup.com KOMA: www.komabuildingproducts.com
LP Building Products: www.lpcorp.com
Metrie: www.metrie.com Ply Gem: www.plygem.com Royal Mouldings: www.royalmouldings.com Trex: www.trex.com Universal Forest Products: www.ufpi.com Versatex: www.versatex.com Western Red Cedar Lumber Association: www.wrcla.org White River Hardwoods: www.whiteriver.com Windsor Mill: www.windsorone.com Woodgrain Millwork: www.woodgrain.com Wood Millers: www.woodmillers.com Woodtone: www.woodtone.com |