Education Needs Exist
Even with consumer knowledge growing, education is still critical, especially in the metal-roofing market. “We do ongoing education programs, but metal roofing is growing in popularity quickly, and more effort is needed to educate the market,” says EDCO’s Doucet. “More competitors are offering metal products all the time. It’s a growing niche.”

standing-seam-metal-roofingImage II standing-seam metal roofing from Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp., shown in Slate Grey with a PVDF finish, features a concealed-fastener system that facilitates installation. It offers a thicker gauge substrate for better structural strength and durability, and can accommodate blanket insulation for enhanced thermal efficiency.

Adds Headwaters Anderson, “We have to overcome the myths that consumers have. When they think of a metal roof, they think of Pizza Hut and that standing-seam roof look. But new aesthetic options are gaining attention. They also think lightning may be attracted to a metal roof, and that’s false.” It actually dissipates lightning better, he says. The myth of rain and hail creating loud noises also has to be overcome, which EDCO addresses head-on with its Whisper Quiet technology, emphasizing that its product is quieter than other roofs. “There’s still more to be done in the area of educating,” says Doucet.

Cool roofs also are gaining attention, thanks in part to tax incentives extended through 2016. But education is falling behind the science, says Headwater’s Davis. New studies indicate dark colors allow heat to be absorbed into a metal roof and directed away from the home due to air spacing below the roof, while light colors simply reflect the heat, having minimal impact on the local heat-island effect.

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White Paper: Five Steps to Boost Profitability Through Customer Stratification

Download this new white paper from Epicor that guides you through the five customer stratification steps so you can focus on your best customers and minimize time wasted on unprofitable partnerships to maximize business growth.

“Energy Star is a great system, but it isn’t current with new technology and the principles of air spacing,” says Davis. Adds Anderson, “It’s a mindset we’re battling, especially in southern California, which wants reflective colors used, and that’s not the most effective approach. The best system outperforms its color. But getting them to listen and understand that has been difficult.”

MFM-shingle-starter-rollMFM’s ShingleStarter rolled membrane installs quickly along the roof edge to serve as a starter course for shingles. Measuring 7.2 by 33.5 inches, it contains a self-sealing strip that adheres to the roof, holding the shingles in place, while the nails that pierce the membrane seal around the fastener to prevent moisture infiltration. Its granulated surface is said to provide better traction.

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