LBM Journal launches podcast with Rick Davis

Rick Davis LBM Journal podcast

LAKEVILLE, Minn. — LBM Journal, the lumber and building material distribution industry’s leading media company has entered into the podcast arena in a partnership with renowned sales trainer and consultant, Rick Davis.

Beginning this week, LBM Journal and Rick Davis have launched The LBM Sales Podcast, a weekly conversational-style podcast in which Davis shares the perspectives and actionable advice of not only industry experts, but those outside the industry as well. The first episode features Kevin Hancock, author, speaker, and CEO of Hancock Lumber.

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Expanding upon its philosophy of delivering the most valuable content when and where LBM industry pros need it, the podcast was the next natural step for the LBM Journal team. The company already covers the industry in its monthly print magazine, constantly updated website, daily email newsletter, social media channels, webinars, live events, and more. 

Davis, LBM Journal contributing sales editor, and president of Building Leaders, Inc., said podcast episodes may not always focus specifically on sales, but will always offer valuable insights on business, and life.

“Our podcast will challenge and offer new perspectives,” said Davis. “We won’t only feature industry experts and personalities. I believe the content must change perspective and provide new ideas to adapt in a rapidly-changing world. There are amazingly talented people we meet every day without truly gaining the benefit of their perspective and I aim to get their powerful thoughts recorded to make every listener a more confident and powerful leader in their business and personal lives.”

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LBM Journal also plans future podcasts, expanding its network to include podcasts by some of its regular columnists as well as other industry thought-leaders. 

“LBM pros have made it clear that they’re hungry for insights and information to help them grow their sales and build their business. With so many of us connected to our phones, tablets, and computers, podcasts are a great way to turn anything from drive time to exercise time into positive, productive time,” said LBM Journal Executive Editor and Publisher, Rick Schumacher. “I’m excited that our debut podcast is in partnership with our industry’s premier sales trainer and consultant, Rick Davis.”

The LBM Sales podcast hosted by Rick Davis is available at, as well as in podcast apps including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and more.

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