Leadership changes at Kodiak’s Christensen Lumber

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. — Kodiak Building Partners announced today that Christensen Lumber’s Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Tim Ferguson, will now be the president of Christensen Lumber following Tom Christensen’s transition to chairman.

Tim Ferguson
Tim Ferguson

“Kodiak believes Tim is the ideal president to lead Christensen’s next chapter of growth and success,” said Mike Flood, executive vice president of operations at Kodiak Building Partners. “We have all been impressed by his strong track record of innovation, execution, operational excellence, and developing teams that drive results. Tim is consistently delivering high growth during rapid periods of industry disruption, consumer change, and industry advancement. He is a terrific leader, and we’re excited about his and Christensen’s futures.”

Ferguson started his career at Christensen in 1994 after graduating from Morningside College in Iowa with degrees in marketing and advertising. As the son of a carpenter and longtime Christensen customer, Ferguson learned carpentry skills at an early age and was a prime candidate for Christensen’s opening in the lumberyard and sales counter. After working at the sales counter for a year, Ferguson moved to the back counter and was later promoted to outside sales, where he remained until 2007 when he was promoted again to sales manager by Tom Christensen.

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Tom Christensen
Tom Christensen

“Tim has deep expertise in both sales and operations for the building materials industry. He has a well-earned reputation for being forthright, possessing a nuanced understanding of the industry and our processes, and adapting quickly to a rapidly changing landscape, making Tim the perfect person for a fast-paced, historical company like ours,” said Chairman Tom Christensen. “Christensen is actively working to make modern advances in the industry to build the best possible team with the end goal of delivering the best service to our customers.”

During Ferguson’s time at Christensen as sales manager, he was instrumental in making the transition to solely focus on the professional builder and move away from the retail portion of the company’s business. To this day, the custom builder is the core of Christensen’s business model.

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