A mortarless stone veneer product suitable for interior and exterior applications.
Designed to replicate the look of natural stone, ClipStone from Environmental StoneWorks is a unique masonry product that doesn’t require mortar or skilled laborers to install. Instead, all that’s required of an installer is the ability to drive a screw in to a wall. This innovative design not only makes installation an option for homeowners as well as other general building pros, it has also made it attractive for LBM dealers interested in tapping into the growing market for stone veneer.
Two recent industry studies indicate that stone veneer products are seen as a strong “value added” product for homes. A recent NAHB study, “Housing Preferences of the Boomer Generation – How They Compare to Other Home Buyers”, indicates that 69% of consumers desire stone on their home exteriors, almost tying brick as a desired exterior finishing.
In the 2016 “Cost Versus Value Report” produced by The Farnsworth Group, real estate professionals were surveyed on their perception on the return-on-investment of the most popular remodeling and replacement projects for the home. On a midrange priced home, adding manufactured stone veneer is projected to have 92.9% cost recouped of the project investment. It is the second highest rated project and the percentage has increased over numbers in the 2015 report.
Initially launched in 2013 with two profiles, Ledgestone and ProStack, in Tan, Ash, Sand and Poinset colors, ClipStone features a mounting clip that is embedded in the back of each stone. The clips screw directly to the wall, and a lapping-down design allows the stones to fit tightly together in all four directions. The product is designed so each ClipStone is raised slightly off the wall which allows the wall to breathe, and provides an effective drainage plane in exterior applications.
As the product has grown in popularity, so has the lineup of accessories, like universal corners (pictured at left), utility and light boxes, hearth stones, mantels, decorative sills, starter strips and more.
Backed by a 50-year warranty, ClipStone is suitable for both interior and exterior use, in residential as well as commercial applications. According to the manufacturer, the product requires no maintenance, no sealing, and no ongoing cleaning.