One GM told me, “I’ve got a guy who works the sales counter and he’s been a loyal employee for 20 years. The other day I overheard him demanding a Hispanic customer speak English. ‘This is America, amigo. You gotta speak English if you wanna shop here!’ Obviously that disturbs me, but I’m not going to change him. Do I fire him? I’m short on bodies already. What do I do?”
“What would you do if an employee was openly antagonizing an English-speaking customer?” I asked.
The Hispanic population boom is happening. You can either adapt…or not. So what do you do? Help your customers grow their business, so you can grow yours.
Converse manages community-based professional recording studios. Musicians of all genres can apply for free studio time. It’s a no-strings-attached agreement. The sole purpose is to grow the brand in the music community. By helping their customers, Converse helps themselves.
Hispanics are starting more new companies than any other demographic. Help them succeed. Book a local graphic designer to help them create unique logos. Make your marketing team available a few hours a month to assist with customer sell sheets. Offer an Accounting 101 workshop led by your CFO.
You can add value by positioning yourself in between clients with labor shortages and subcontractors looking to grow. Host a Taco Tuesday event where you introduce general contracting clients to minority-owned subcontractors. Free food, a margarita mixer and the opportunity to earn new business will attract a crowd.
Converse initially pushed back against musicians and artists as customers. Then they embraced them. My neighborhood initially pushed back against my brother’s red low top canvas Converse All Stars. Then they embraced them.
Now the Chuck Taylor Challenge is upon you. How will you adapt? Chuck the old playbook and embrace the new.