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Upcoming Webinar: Mastering Ecommerce for the LBM Industry

According to Home Depot’s most recent Annual Report, more than 50% of their $10 billion in online orders were picked up in store.

The demand for ecommerce has exploded since 2019. More than ever, small- to medium-sized lumber and home supply retailers who can offer the same online ordering convenience as the big box retailers will be the businesses that survive and thrive.

Please join our webinar titled “Ecommerce Master Class”, featuring John Maiuri, ECI’s LBM Division President and industry expert, where he will cover:

• An LBM industry and market overview, focusing on the ways ecommerce demands have changed and increased since 2019—and what your customers now expect when shopping.
• The ways that small- to medium-sized home & building supply retailers can quickly adapt to meet the new needs of their customer base—and outmaneuver the big-box retailers.
• How ecommerce, when executed correctly, can be the equivalent of opening a new 24/7 branch—roughly at the price of hiring one additional full-time employee.

If you’re looking to leverage ecommerce for your company, be sure to register today. Even if you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you’ll receive a link to the recording once its complete.


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